is a free resource where you can create and customize negotiation simulations for your teaching or research.
To learn more about, please download my paper:
Eisenkraft, Noah (2017). A free resource for creating custom negotiation simulations. Negotiation Journal, 33, 239-253.
You can also learn about the benefits of customizing negotiations and read answers to some frequently asked questions below. The examples page illustrates how one simulation can be customized to create different challenges.
Simulations created on are also available on the iDecisionGames platform.
Please email me if you have any questions or suggestions.
The multi-issue simulations are fully customizable, personalizable, and use a randomization algorithm to create a unique negotiations challenge.
A landlord and prospective tenant will negotiate the terms of an office rental lease. Includes up to eight negotiable issues.
A company and medical expert will negotiate the terms of a consultancy contract. Includes up to six negotiable issues.
Two project managers will negotiate how to combine their respective groups. Includes up to five negotiable issues.
The single-issue simulations can be lightly customized and personalized. Single-issue simulations do not include a randomization element.
A 3D Printing Company and a supplier of 3D Printing Materials will negotiate the price of their contract.
A real estate developer and natural food store will negotiate the price of a loading area.
A prospective buyer and prospective seller will negotiate the price of a used car.
The simulations at were created to provide you with a variety of benefits:
Are the simulations really free?
Yes. They are free and will stay free. If you want to pay something, please donate to Give Directly, one of the world's most efficient and effective charities.
I found a typo/mistake/bug in a simulation. What should I do?
Contact me and I will fix the problem as soon as possible.
I have an idea for a customizable simulation. Can you create it for me?
Creating a customizable simulation requires a large investment of time. I would love to hear your idea, but probably won't be able to implement it anytime soon.
Can you teach me how to use your simulations?
I will try to answer your questions, but cannot give one-on-one teaching help.
Can you teach a class/consult on a negotiation?
I am always open to hearing about new opportunities. Contact me and we can talk more about this.
Please feel free to contact me if you want to provide feedback, have suggestions, or have questions about the customizable simulations.
I would also love to learn who is using the simulations and how.
My email is You can learn more about me and my research on my website